Safeview Mobile App Improves Safety with Real-Time Interactive Vessel Inspections
Fleet Management enhances safety and operationalefficiency through Safeview, a mobile application designedto provide comprehensive, real-time vessel inspections.
Fleet Management’s Safeview is a mobile application that
allows shore staff to conduct thorough inspections, tailored
for each vessel type. Available on both Android and iOS
platforms, Safeview is an essential tool for tagging photos,
tracking key information, and identifying issues that require
attention. The app’s seamless integration with Fleet's
Deficiencies and Planned Maintenance System (PMS)
modules ensures that all data is automatically synchronised
and readily accessible through our cloud-based
One of the standout features of Safeview is the ease with
which reports can be generated for vessel owners. With just
a click, detailed inspection reports can be shared,
streamlining communication and enhancing transparency.
By linking Safeview with our wider data systems, including
PARIS, Fleet can create a comprehensive view of each
vessel’s operational status, reducing the need for reactive
measures by proactively addressing potential safety
concerns before they escalate.
Safeview also shares advanced analytics dashboards,
providing access to fleet-wide data trends. By capturing this
data across multiple vessels and combining it with insights
from PARIS (such as deficiencies and external audits), we
can continuously monitor the health of its fleet, identify
patterns, and make informed decisions that improve
operational safety and performance.
A uniquely elevated shipping experience

Crew Management & Training

Ship Management Services

Newbuilding Supervision